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display options

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only a few settings rn but i’ll add more

bird on skateboard

added a β€œdisplay images as links” thing to this

bird on skateboard

added a Open Links in New Tab option

bird on skateboard

also let me know if this breaks anything i had to fuck with a lot of the β€˜core’ parts of the site

bird on skateboard

hmm strange ill try some stuff
one thing that could fuck it up is if you idle in one thread for a long time, the live messages will follow whatever your format choices were when you loaded the topic. but reloading should fix it πŸ€”

bird on skateboard

anyway try this:
turn the option on
right click a link and inspect element
in the HTML does the <a> tag have a target="_blank" attribute?
if it does and still opens in the same window, it might be an errant popup blocker or something

bird on skateboard

i looked at her account settings in the DB and the display options seem to be saved fine

bird on skateboard

seems like your setting isnt working and its my fault… i will investigate

bird on skateboard

OK i think i fixed it
the root of the bug was very stupid and it boils down to if your timezone was the default your settings wouldn’t apply properly

bird on skateboard


bird on skateboard

From: imgay at 2017-12-27 08:56:13
probably none of the settings were changing if you were on the default timezone cause it wasnt referencing your database entry for options just using the defaults

basically this. before the only thing that could change was dates and i put the new stuff inside the β€œis the timezone non default?” check accidentally lolz

Screen Shot 2017-12-27 at 18.51.10.png

bird on skateboard

also that png got really weirdly resized hmm

bird on skateboard

ok i think i fixed that
i’m gonna add a thumbnail thing maybe. but images are already thumbed at a high-ish cutoff. so it’d just squish images more

lmk any ideas for display options i can add stuff more easily now

bird on skateboard

nah i think i’ll add it. but it’ll only really work for newly uploaded images whenever it gets implemented

bird on skateboard
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