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can we get the ability to edit topic titles? yes we can

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that would be really handy

(unless I’m blind and I’m missing how to do it)

ok I’ll add this

bird on skateboard

Tiko you’re the best

long live thread zone

sorry for the wait, just added this
you have to go into Roles/Permissions in the zone admin panel and mess with it a bit
i’d suggest enabling “Edit own thread titles” for members, vip, mods
and if you want, “Edit anyone’s thread titles” for mods, otherwise it’ll be admin only

bird on skateboard

From: iforgotnmyname at 2018-11-17 05:01:21
Tiko you’re the best

long live thread zone

as relevant then as it is now

| Posted: 2019-02-28 06:52:182019-02-28 06:52 | Filter

iforgotnmyname changed the thread title from can we get the ability to edit topic titles? to can we get the ability to edit topic titles? yes we can.

love this feature

dum thirsty hors
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