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YouTube Embeds Beat the Crap out of iOS Safari

ios phoneposting sadness safari


I get the following screen when I try to visit a thread with many YouTube embeds on iOS Safari. It also makes my phone uncomfortably warm, which is pretty cool.


Typical sequence is visit thread, it reloads twice and then redirects to this page. Just thought I’d mention it in case it’s happening to someone else.

Edited by MasterOfMagic at 2021-06-30 19:17:072021-06-30 19:17
Trying too hard

I browse primarily on phone (iOS) and don’t have this issue

Tho maybe that’s why my rig gets warm

I call my phone my rig

I actually don’t that was the first time ever

dumb phoneposters

ein cooler typ

From: Cage at 2021-07-01 22:07:02
I call my phone my rig

From: Cage at 2021-07-01 22:07:19
I actually don’t that was the first time ever

safari is an absolutely terrible browser, sorry i’m not being very constructive it’s not your fault it’s just true

i didn't learn nothin

Safari blows - I never used it when I had a Mac, and I’d honestly rather use IE11 or Edge. Guess that’s what I get for giving money to Tim Apple.

Trying too hard

Update: Firefox on iOS doesn’t shit the bed with these pages, further proving that Safari is a waste of time.

Trying too hard

From: MasterOfMagic at 2022-07-18 13:16:22
Update: Firefox on iOS doesn’t shit the bed with these pages, further proving that Safari is a waste of time.

firefox ftw

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