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introducing Thread Zone Gold™

new feature


merry christmas zoners

in the interest of the spirit of christmas–capitalism–i have introduced Thread Zone Gold™

simply back the official ‘zone patreon and you can include content in your messages only patrons can see!!

just use <tz-gold>stuff goes here</tz-gold>


Edited by Tiko at 2020-12-25 01:54:582020-12-25 01:54
bird on skateboard


what does it look like for non patrons


From: Mister Taxi at 2020-12-25 01:53:34
what does it look like for non patrons

2020-12-25 (2).png

bird on skateboard




when it gets quoted it becomes ㊙️ which is moonspeak for SECRET

bird on skateboard



btw the fancy color change effect is so u know it’s ~real~ 🤠

bird on skateboard

Trying too hard

but if i’m already a patron how am i supposed to be able to tell that it is actually hidden text and i’m not about to take some crank

stunt failed

From: Lyra at 2020-12-25 08:36:30
but if i’m already a patron how am i supposed to be able to tell that it is actually hidden text and i’m not about to take some crank

what meep said ;)

bird on skateboard

From: mac5 at 2021-01-09 23:38:20

Fucked up if true

Trying too hard

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