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image thumbnail mode

improvements new feature

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you can change β€œImage display” in your display settings to β€œThumbnailed” to always show images as small thumbnails

you can also click thumbnails to expand them now, clicking them again will open the full image in a new window
this applies to images in quotes in β€œNormal” mode as well

bird on skateboard

thank youuuuuuuuu

stunt failed



also altered how images are formatted when you upload them so its less stuff

bird on skateboard



whoops i broke expanding in quotes when in β€œnormal” mode but its fixed now

bird on skateboard

how will this affect my MBE (message board experience) ?

ein cooler typ

From: Philoktetes at 2020-12-18 09:41:56
how will this affect my MBE (message board experience) ?

the β€˜zone already resized images to fit your screen, so it’s not a huge MBE change
however, being able to resize quoted images is a handy MBE boost

bird on skateboard

quoted images on mobile were rendering too big and poking out of posts
should be fixed now πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ

bird on skateboard
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