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ok heres something a little weird


if you enter in something like a hex code, but has more than six characters after the #, it will save as that, but be interpreted as white, and also make all the color preview boxes on that line and beyond stop working

it seems theres no limit to the amount of characters you can put after the hex code and still save

I put so many it made my tab start lagging

ahh, there is a limit, eventually I got this

ValidationException: ExpressionAttributeValues contains invalid value: Item size has exceeded the maximum allowed size for key :v0 status code: 400, request id: RUSBC984IIJQCAN8LSR0JMABV7VV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG

anyways i think maybe it should be smaller than like a million characters, up near the max size limit I got an β€˜uploading’ notice for it to save my color palette lol

anyways check this out, it saves even

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