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page numbers layout at the bottom


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currently, the zone lists every single page, which for threads that get up close to 5000 posts can be several lines of just numbers

this actually gets large enough on phones to be a problem, i often find myself accidentally hitting a page number if somebody posts and the keyboard cuts out for a second or the page jumps to scroll down. maybe i’m just dumb but i’ve lost several larger posts because of this

maybe we could make the page numbers look more like eti’s where it selects a few on either side of your current page plus the first and last, to cut down on the space used? or another solution if there’s a more elegant one maybe idk

high impact

woot :)

high impact

it looks alright

seems like it counts the first and last few pages, then some by tens until it’s within… 10 on either side of your current page? then the last few

it’s got it down to 2-3 lines on my phone, from a huge block

high impact


high impact

I’m curious, why not just 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100, plus like 5 on either side of wherever you are

was there a reason for making it count like, 1 2 3 4 5 … 10 20 30 … 90 91 92 93 … 100

high impact

that seems legit


high impact

yeah i looked at it on my desktop as well now (sorry still waking up lol) and it looks much nicer. on desktop it makes even the longest threads a single line of page numbers. very cool

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