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google level surveillance

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if i accidentally leave a tab open on one of my computers’ browsers i dont get the post update number anymore
can we get some google level surveillance like if there hasnt been activity on that tab for ten mins start updating the new posts number again

From: Tiko at 2018-01-05 13:40:13
what i could do is make it so it only updates the last read for posts you’ve seen (scrolled into view)


this works really well w the scrolling thing for someone who uses this website in four diff places


what’d you change then because all my devices have been acting like you did it already

so it stopped working for me for like the last 24hr-few days
like i had a thread open on my desktop tonight when i was at work (just got home) and my phone didnt get new thread numbers the whole time

is it possible you implemented it and then removed it and then implemented it

i thought weed was illegal in japan

seems to be working violently now
it stops loading new posts on devices im not active on

idk it seems to be working in general for me now

i actually use it to go back to the topic list if i left a tab open on my phone

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