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how impossible is it for tags to span across all zones

it just works

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My understanding is that the current behavior makes sense when you realize each zone is intended to be a separate (perhaps private) forum with its own tags.

The way people seem to be using them lately is like they would use tags on the other blue websight, and there’s an inherent impedance mismatch there.

When you see it through the lens of separate forums then tags spanning across them makes less sense.

Edited by MasterOfMagic at 2021-07-08 13:54:002021-07-08 13:54
Trying too hard

From: Cage at 2021-07-08 13:53:56
zone subdivision of tags is rarely (if ever) meaningful

An object example - I am the zowner for the NFL zone. The use of the tag [games] or [rewatch] would be very different between there and say, bad and anime.

Trying too hard
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