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spoiler tags behave strangely depending upon how your post is formatted

bug report

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thx for the report i will try to fix

bird on skateboard

for the first one, the < makes it think it’s an html tag and treats the rest of the post as an unclosed spoiler. not sure how i can wrangle the html stuff to treat malformed html better

no idea why the capitalization thing does what it does. i might be able to fix it, gotta do more investigating

bird on skateboard

unfortunately not
there’s a programming language specifier thing for the ``` code block that we might be able to re-purpose for spoilers hmm

bird on skateboard

oh yeah i changed how they work / figured out why they were fucking up in the first place
the downside is that spoilers now always have a line break in front of them, i might be able to fix later.

nerd info:
turns out it wasn’t a markdown html parsing bug, just that fact that <p> can’t have a child <p> (it gets treated as a new p, that’s why spoiler content was getting β€˜leaked’ outside the spoiler), so i changed spoilers to use div instead of span which due to some obscure html rules is ok to put in an unclosed p tag. eti doesn’t have this problem cuz it doesn’t put stuff in <p> but the markdown thing i’m using does

❧ Edited by Tiko at 2018-01-10 17:12:222018-01-10 17:12
bird on skateboard
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