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sticky reply box



now when you quote a message or press tilde the reply box should stick to the bottom of the screen
try it out and let me know if it’s fucked up

bird on skateboard

since ` opens the sticky box now, i added a new hotkey ~ (shift + `) to jump to the bottom of the page

bird on skateboard

btw if you hate this tell me and i’ll make it an option

bird on skateboard

From: Tiko at 2019-11-29 15:04:11
now when you quote a message or press tilde the reply box should stick to the bottom of the screen
try it out and let me know if it’s fucked up

here we go

looks good tiko

here we go

From: rodentplan at 2019-11-29 21:44:51
looks good tiko

thanks bud

bird on skateboard

From: rodentplan at 2019-11-29 21:44:51
looks good tiko

stunt failed

Further updates: this was kind of convenient for desktop posting but it’s life changing on a phone. The box sticks well on android+firefox

stunt failed
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