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Bug with livelinks function?

bug report please respond


I think livelinks is broken. I have to refresh to see new posts

The feature that highlights threads people are viewing seems to be sticking, too. There’s a thread I made in a different zone and it’s literally not possible for someone to be viewing it once I return to the topic list, but it’s still highlighted

Nearly the entire bad zone topic list is highlighted too. I thought it was some yeti being silly but I think the site is actually having an issue

stunt failed

Tiko pls

stunt failed

i tried restarting hopefully should help
i found some bugs in livelinks but have not pushed the changes here yet

bird on skateboard

Thank u for saving my life, I can look at the topic list again

stunt failed

If it helps anything it appears that reboot also forced through every notification from emoji reactions and my posts getting quoted simultaneously

stunt failed

lolll sorry about that
def got stuck

bird on skateboard

also lmk if images get fucked up

bird on skateboard

i pushed some of the fixes that seemed to help for the other site here
hopefully that will make it not get stuck anymore
but the user count might get weird we will c

bird on skateboard

ok yeah this kinda breaks the ‘active thread’ thing
but im pretty sure thats what was causing the above issues
lmk if it happens again also sorry 🙏

edit: maybe it’s ok?

Edited by Tiko at 2023-04-04 23:22:032023-04-04 23:22
bird on skateboard
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