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Some threads drop off multi/ view


I mostly use https://thread.zone/multi/

and i’ve noticed occasionally i’ll be like oh yeah i want to post in this old thread, but I don’t see it on multi/ (and it shows threads from 2017 on the first screen)

But then if I search in the zone it pops up, and sometimes there are even new posts i hadn’t seen. and then if I post in it, then it shows up on multi/ again.

idk maybe i’m missing something and this is how it’s supposed to work? i can post examples here if that’d be helpful

we don't rent pigs

that’s how it works, it’s more like looking at the first (or second, etc) page of every zone you’re a member of instead of one single list of the latest threads
i don’t think it’s a great situation but that’s how it works for technical reasons. i can see it being confusing tho.

bird on skateboard

ohhhhh ok. thanks. i think what i want is multi/subscribed then

we don't rent pigs

they both work the same way
anyway if you can’t find an older topic you can click More and it’ll still work fine and give you more results
just be aware that sometimes it’ll be “out of order” for technical reasons lolz

this is actually a pretty hard issue and one reason why every site has a crappy algorithmic feed now

bird on skateboard

yeah taking all those concurrent byte streams and turning them into something coherent and chronological based on so many different factors has got to be a huge pain in the ass

i didn't learn nothin
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