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Thread Zone is now known as Threaddit! Upvotes!

pivots venture capital


We are excited to announce that Thread Zone has become Threaddit!

After some great advice from VCs, we’ve decided to modernize the site. In addition to rebranding, we’ve added upvotes!

Vote away!


Edit: RIP inbox

❧ Edited by Tiko at 2021-04-01 18:18:572021-04-01 18:18
bird on skateboard



petition to replace reddit man’s head with tiko bird’s head



Downvote this post

stunt failed

I am now thread zone’s most controversial user

Edit: thank you kind stranger, for thine threaddit gold

❧ Edited by Lyra at 2021-04-01 18:00:292021-04-01 18:00
stunt failed

Looking forward to the opaque non-apology apologies from the new threaddit staff.

Upzones to the left.

Trying too hard

From: Mister Taxi at 2021-04-01 16:34:28

a weapon to surpass reddit?!

edit: wow this post blew up

Shark Cat

buy bitcoin

i want to die

our VCs have abandoned us, we were forced to liquidate our Upboating technology and go back to good ol’ forums

bird on skateboard

whoops i broke some shit brb
ok fixt

❧ Edited by Tiko at 2021-04-02 12:36:142021-04-02 12:36
bird on skateboard

RIP threaddit


oh thank jebuiz

From: Mister Taxi at 2021-04-02 13:46:24
RIP threaddit

Shark Cat

From: Mister Taxi at 2021-04-02 13:46:24
RIP threaddit

stunt failed

From: Mister Taxi at 2021-04-02 13:46:24
RIP threaddit

I guess I really missed my chance to be a power zowner.

Trying too hard
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