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Don't let the Enter key submit a thread before I finish typing it >_>


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I ran into this problem yesterday from Safari on my iPhone. I tried to press the “Return” key to add a new line while in the message body but it instead submitted my post.

Trying too hard

I’ll see if I can reproduce and I’ll let you know. Thanks, Tiko.

Trying too hard

Okay, let’s test. Return softkey without Shift autoengaged at the end of a sentence

Trying too hard

Yes, that appears to be it. iOS is autoshifting at the end of sentences/start of a new line and that shifted return posts.

I just got this phone and I’m still getting used to it. So thanks for the suggestion.

Trying too hard

It’s not the feature thread.zone feature that’s annoying. It’s retraining my brain after 10 years of Android keyboard behaviors that’s sometimes a little much for my mind.

Trying too hard
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